Donation Terms
Action Alliance International Gift Policy
Action Alliance International (AAI) is a US IRS-approved charity (501c3) that assists vulnerable populations in simple and direct ways worldwide. We work with other charities (501c3) in Texas and Guatemala to assist these populations.
Gift Acceptance
Action Alliance International (AAI) accepts donations that align with its organization’s purposes as set forth in its Nonprofit Certificate of Formation. In accordance with IRC 501c3, AAI reserves the right to determine that funds are used for its 501c3 purposes and that distributions are limited to meet its exempt purposes.
AAI reserves the right to decline donations that do not align with its 501c3 purposes, that lead to legal obligations beyond the organization’s readiness to handle, that create a financial burden, that are too difficult or expensive to administer in relation to their value, or that would create negative publicity for the organization. All refusals are decided by the AAI President, Vice President, or Board of Directors.
AAI will not refund gifts to donors once accepted. All donations are considered a voluntary transfer by the donor and become the sole property of the organization upon acceptance.
AAI will not provide personal legal, financial, or other advice to donors or prospective donors. Donors are strongly encouraged to seek the assistance of their professional advisors in matters relating to their gifts and resulting tax and estate planning consequences.
Gift Purpose
A gift is a voluntary transfer of assets from a person or an organization to Actional Alliance International (AAI). It is deemed an irrevocable transfer of assets motivated by charitable intent. The objective of the gift may be stated, and funds may be restricted to a specific purpose, with the AAI Board having the flexibility to use alternatively, should the original intent no longer be viable.
Donors need to be aware that they donate to our programs and not to a specific person. As a result, our social work staff may choose to reassign resources to different individuals than the matched donor and program recipient. For example, a student may have committed to attending school in the next year. The donor may pay the annual sponsorship fee before the start of the school year in January. Then in January, the student may choose not to attend school that year. In that case, those funds would be reassigned to a different student in need of a sponsor.
Donations made for school sponsorship cover all educational costs, but those costs are different for each school level. Your donation is an average of what it takes to run such a program, and more or less money than you donate may be spent on your matched student.
AAI will not use any funds for political campaigns, propaganda, legislation advocacy, or private inurement.
Gift Types
Gifts Generally Accepted Without Board Review:
- Cash – Cash gifts include but are not limited to contributions in the form of checks, credit cards, or via PayPal through the Action Alliance International website,
- Marketable Securities – Marketable securities may be transferred electronically to an account set up at a brokerage firm or delivered physically with the transferor’s endorsement or signed stock power (with appropriate signature guarantees) attached. Unless otherwise directed by the AAI board, all marketable securities will be sold promptly upon receipt.
- Endowed Gifts – The funds will be invested at the discretion of the AAI board and will be limited to disbursement over a maximum of 3 years. The AAI board reserves the right to determine an alternative use or alternative disposition if the original purpose can no longer be met.
Gifts Accepted Subject to Board Review – Certain forms of gifts or donated properties may be subject to review before acceptance. Examples of gifts subject to review include, but are not limited to:
- Tangible personal property – the AAI Board shall review and determine whether to accept any gifts of tangible personal property in light of the following considerations:
- Does the property further the organization’s mission?
- Is the property marketable?
- Is the property obsolete (i.e., donation of old computer equipment/software)?
- Are there any unacceptable restrictions imposed on the property, especially those that may conflict with IRS regulations?
- Are there any carrying costs for the property for which AAI may be responsible?
- Is the title/provenance of the property clear?
- Life Insurance – AAI will accept gifts of life insurance where AAI is named as both the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of the insurance policy. The donor must agree to pay, before due, any future premium payments owing on the policy.
- Real Estate – All gifts of real estate are subject to review by the AAI board. Criteria for gifts of real estate include:
- Is the property useful for the organization’s purpose?
- Is the property readily marketable?
- Are there covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, encumbrances, or other limitations associated with the property?
- Are there carrying costs (including insurance, property taxes, mortgages, notes, etc.) or maintenance expenses associated with the property?
- Does an environmental review or audit reflect that the property is damaged or otherwise requires remediation?
Valuation of Gifts
Action Alliance International (AAI) does not provide valuations for non-cash gifts. AAI will provide a written description of receipt for all non-cash donations. Marketable securities are an exception and will be valued at the mean of their market values on the date they are transferred to AAI.
Policy Effective Date: April 10, 2022.